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Why have a green production?

Find out who cut their costs, cut their carbon, and donated unwanted assets to charity.

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Advertising commercial productions (adam&eveDDB)

Donation of unwanted production assets to charity, crew education and cutting costs.

adam&eveDDB's TV adverting productions go through Green Screen. Shooting in the UK and around the world, introducing the idea of a sustainable production and the training of Green Stewards, means the next generation of film makers only know one way to film.

Highlights of 3 commercials

Lloyds Bank

Donations to St. Mungo's and the Trident People charity

1200 water bottles not used

Composting programme


Donation of props to Durbanville Children's Home

340 water bottles not used

No printing, all docs distributed electronically


Donation of 10 crates of food distributed to the homeless

830 water bottles not used

No polystyrene

All productions conform to 10 sustainability best practices

The Theory of Everything

Donation of unwanted production assets to charity.

Bundles of coats, jackets and blankets were donated through Greenshoot to one of our charitable partners. The Upper Room, caring for London's vulnerable and homeless. Within a short time a man living rough was keeping warm in Eddie Redmayne's coat.

Savings Highlights

Donations £750

Skips not needed as unwanted assets distributed to our charitable partners

Water £1,947

Water canisters and coolers, not plastic water bottles, plus costs saved in removing empty bottles

Set repurposing £450

Skips not needed as flats collected by industry partners for educational charities and film schools

Waste management £2,671

Bespoke service, not skips

Carbon footprint reduction 18.84%

The amount carbon emissions were reduced by compared to a similar sized production with no green strategies.

Adele commercial / video

Donation of flats to educational charities and film schools.

Normally, flats (the fake walls used on film sets) are discarded as waste on wrap. Greenshoot organised 1.6 tonnes of flats for donation.

Savings Highlights

Skips £1,300

Cost for removal of flats by traditional skip methods

Water £450

Water canisters and coolers, not plastic water bottles, plus costs saved in removing empty bottles

Carbon footprint reduction 16.24%

The amount carbon emissions were reduced by compared to a similar sized production with no green strategies.

The World's End

Donation of clothes and furniture to a women's refuge.

Two transits of clothes and various items of furniture were donated through Greenshoot to the Minerva Trust and various London based charities for the vulnerable and homeless. Also a brand new £4,000 floor donated to a local primary school refurbishing their play and reading areas.

Savings Highlights

Donations £2,040

Skips not needed as unwanted assets collected

Paper £955

Print double side and less often

Water £2,884

Water canisters and coolers, not plastic water bottles

Carbon footprint reduction 21.4%

The amount carbon emissions were reduced by compared to a similar sized production with no green strategies.

45 years

Donation of unwanted props to community arts project.

Various props, lighting gels and sandbags left over were donated to the local charitable theatre company The Garage, a creative industries training and performance venue in Norwich.

Savings Highlights

Paper £455

Print double side and less often, a digital production office was embedded where possible

Catering £898

Plastic disposables not purchased, china plates/silverware used

Water £1,341

Water canisters and coolers, not plastic water bottles

Waste removal £2,332

Bespoke waste management system

Carbon footprint reduction 23.6%

The amount carbon emissions were reduced by compared to a similar sized production with no green strategies.

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